Sunday 17 March 2013

Nothing is impossible, read about this cancer healing...

Dancing In The Desert – Leanne Laing Posted: 13 Mar 2013 11:08 PM PDT Today’s guest post is from Leanna Laing and it is such an encouragement to us all! Thanks Leanne, I loved every word! Almost four years ago, on the eve of a huge family move to Dubai, I sat across from the doctor and asked, “How long have I got?” The question that you pray you will never have to ask, especially not at 36 years of age. Aggressive cancer had come to crouch at our door. But I don’t want to talk about that. Cancer has taken enough of my time. I want to tell you about the Hero of my story. The One who rescued me physically, emotionally and spiritually. The One who changed me so completely that I dance with joy whenever I think about it – yes really – I DANCE! It was in the desert that I discovered the goodness of God in a way I’d never dreamed. It was in the desert that I realised that His love for me is too great to contain. It was in the desert that I learned to break free from “duty” and instead respond to His amazing love. I used to think it was all about me – me being a dutiful daughter, me showing God how much I loved Him. I never dared to stop and listen – really listen – to what He had to say about me. I still find it hard to believe the way He loves me so completely, so individually, so unwaveringly. It makes me want to cry. Now my love for Him simply explodes out of me – it is simply a response to His love. I dance on the grave of duty. I dance on the grave of good and faithful Leanne. I dance because it really is not about me – it is all about Him. He set me free and I am free indeed! And so on this 40th birthday I celebrate with all my might. Each new year is a kick in the face of the enemy who came to rob, steal and destroy. I am alive and abundantly alive – my Hero came and rescued me. Oh how I love Him!! Afterword – February 2011 So here I sit almost 3 and a half years after my diagnosis. I’m not the same person who began this journey. Some of the deepest, most profound changes have taken place inside of me. I wear different glasses now, so I see the world in an entirely new way. And I give cancer not one ounce of credit for the peace and joy that run over from my heart and soul. Okay, so now I am going to introduce you to my old, twisted way of thinking. My heart weeps when I think of it! I believed that God healed – sometimes. But more often than not He chose to allow sickness and affliction to make us better people. For our own good! I didn’t understand what the Bible actually said. I didn’t understand that Jesus himself said, “I come to give life, and life abundantly!” He also said, “The thief (Satan) comes only to kill, steal and destroy.” Life from Jesus; death and destruction from Satan. LIFE from Jesus – ABUNDANT life!!! Jesus healed everyone who came to Him – EVERYONE. He never said to some, “No, you need to stay sick until you have learnt a few more lessons. Don’t worry it is for your own good. You’ll thank me for this later.” As Christians we pray for people and when they are not healed we create doctrines to explain our experiences – doctrines that do not come from the heart of God. I believe what the Bible says is true, Jesus came to set us free! He came to save, heal and deliver – and then he told us to go and do the same. Did I tell you how ashamed I felt during my illness? I felt like God had taken me into the middle of a large hall and bent me over His knee to give me the spanking of my life in front of a large audience. Everyone watched while He disciplined me – they all begged him for mercy – but he knew better – it was for my own good – I’d be so beautiful by the time he finished with me! Aaahhh! I get so cross when I think about the lies I have believed! No! I will never believe them again. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying God can’t use the worst things in life and make something beautiful out of them. He most certainly can and he most certainly does! As Bill Johnson says, “He can win with a pair of twos.” That’s how amazing he is! He takes the very worst that enemy can throw at us and turns it into something exquisitely beautiful. But we have to learn where sickness and bondage and disease come from. We have to know the truth so we can RESIST! The Bible says, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” He has to, because Jesus beat him on the cross. Jesus won the battle and then said to us – my victory is your victory. I give ALL authority to you, over heaven and earth. I’ve learnt two very important words; YES and NO. I’ve learnt to say, “No!” when the devil comes to me with his lies. And everyday I choose to say, “Yes!” to all that Jesus did for me on the cross. I remember God showing me myself in a boxing ring. The devil was pounding on me like you couldn’t believe. I kept begging God to help me but it felt like he had turned his face away. The devil beat me and kicked me till my blood covered the floor and all I could do was whisper, “Help, help.” Then suddenly I felt God tell me to look behind me. “Everything you need to defeat this enemy, I have already given you.” And there, spread out on this table I’d never noticed before, stood the most amazing array of weapons I’d ever seen! “Pick them up, Leanne and start fighting!” Oooh yes!! That is what I intend to do till I take my last breath – I’m going to learn to use everyone of those lethal weapons God gave to me through Jesus’ death on the cross and I’m going to blast that wretched, lying enemy to where he belongs!!! To all of you fighting disease, in any shape or form – God did not do this to you! He is not allowing it for your punishment or benefit. He loves you! He wants you whole and well and just like you would never cut off your child’s hand to teach him a lesson, God would never inflict illness on you in the guise of “parenting”. He weeps with you – I weep with you. The enemy is evil and he knows no bounds. He kicks us when we are down. A little blood is never enough for him – he goes for the jugular. Jesus wept for Lazarus even though he knew he would raise him from the dead. He weeps with us – and at the same time he teaches us how to take up the weapons he earned for us on the cross and fight – not only for ourselves, but for all humanity! Let’s bring the LIGHT of God wherever we go and force the darkness to retreat. [Isaiah 60:1 "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.] The glory of God is his goodness. When he shows you his glory he shows you his goodness. And he is AMAZING!!! Here is my prayer for you: Father God, thank you for Jesus and for the finished work on the cross. Thank you that your name is above every name, above every disease and disorder. Thank you that the victory is yours and that the darkness has been defeated. Thank you for the authority you’ve given us in Jesus. Thank you for your love, goodness and kindness, which never ends! I speak healing and wholeness into every broken body reading this, in Jesus name. I release the healing power of Jesus to come and save, restore and redeem! Let YOUR will be done – let YOUR kingdom be released! Let your Light shine forth and let your Love make whole. In the wonderfully precious name of Jesus, our Saviour and King – amen. Leanne Laing

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