Thursday 11 February 2010

What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear
Oh what priviledge to carry, everything to God in prayer,
Oh what peace we often forfeit, oh what needless pain we bear,
all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer....

Thank you so much for your prayers, they helped right away.
The same day that our car broke down, after desperate prayer
(we really need a car!) Michel´s sister brought him to
his music class. There he saw on his teacher´s car a sign: "For Sale"
just the day before his teacher had put it on.

We got the car today (we had to borrow some money,
but it is a good car in good condition) and we are absolutely amazed!

So thanx again for your prayers.
" When we pray, things happen and things will be different."
Let´s also pray for all those poor peopl ein the cold in Monglia and other places, and the
traumatised ppl from Haiti, all the ppl in orphanages and prisons,
hospitals, refugee camps and old folk home etc., all those in need.
Our prayers can help!

Thanx again.
Much love, Manuela

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