Thursday 18 February 2010

What are we going do about it?

Homeless people dying in the cold Northern parts of the world, I read again,
and prayed for them, and then remembered how Abbé Pierre, a well loved man who motivated people after the 2. world war to help those less fortunate than others, to share what they could do without. It was also a cold winter, and he told people via Radio to look outside their houses and if they see someone outside in the cold, to share with them a jacket, or blanket, that they didn´t need, or bring a cup of hot soup etc, and people did! It started the Emmaus movement, which collected from those who had more than they needed to give to those who were in need.
That would be a solution.... like in the wonderful movie: "Pay it forward".
If each of us gives a little we can do a lot!
Just look around, where there are people, there is always an opportunity for
And even if it is just a smile or a kind word, a listening ear, or a phone call, we all can make a difference for someone.
"A little bit of love and caring goes a long, long way!"
So if we see someone in need, what are we going to do about it?
We often feel sorry, and /or complain about these problems, but "what are we going to do about it?" We don´t have to be helpless victims, we CAN do SOMETHING...
Even a prayer for someone can change a lot! So what are we waiting for?
Let´s do it! It is more blessed to give than to receive, and you never loose by giving....

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