Tuesday 15 June 2010

How can we do this? Do you know?

Does anyone have an idea how we can do this?
Last night these thoughts came to me and I want to ask you for your help and thoughts:
Can´t we all see the clouds gathering on the horizon, some being even near and above?
They will break eventually, and we can hear already the thunder in some places. We have also heard from the seers, different faiths and predictions that a great storm is to be expected sooner or later, a lot depending on peoples decisions and prayers.
Now my big question and concern lately has been, what can we do to prepare? What needs to be done to be ready and able to survive these times? When a storm is coming we take an umbrella when we go out, we fasten the ropes and make sure things can´t fly away, fall, and or be damaged by the wind and rains. A friend told me how they had in Germany such a storm recently that the big living room windows were bending and she was afraid that they would break!
Yesterday I watched the movie “Josef” about the amazing life of this patriarch and servant of God in good and bad times. He was used of God to save many lives from famine by interpreting the dreams of Pharaoh correctly which gave God’s warning and prepared him for what was to come, collecting during the good years so they had enough during the bad ones.
What does this mean for us? How can we prepare? What do we know of what is to come?
“Surely the Lord God will do nothing but He reveals his secrets unto His servants the prophets.” The Bible tells us. Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon was shown the future in a dream and Daniel the prophet interpreted it. (Daniel chapter 2). So God warns and shows in advance, so we can be prepared if we ask Him how.
In the prophecies of Sarah Hoffmann it talks about visions of the future with people who are prepared!
Let it be us…. Does anyone have an idea how we can do this?
“….The air seemed to be filled with smoke as many buildings and cities burned and no one put them out. As I looked upon the scene of chaos, destruction and smoke, I noticed that there were these little pockets of light scattered all over the United States. There were, I would guess, about twenty or thirty of them. I noticed that most of these places of light were in the Western part of the United States, with only three or four in the East.
These places of light seemed to shine through the darkness and caught my attention and so I concentrated on them, asking, “what are these things?”
I could then see that they were people who had gathered together and they were on their knees and they were praying. The light was coming from them and I understood that it represented their goodness and love. I understood that they had gathered together for safety and that they cared more for each other than for themselves. Some of the groups were small, with only a hundred people or so, but in other groups there were what seemed several thousand.
I realized that somehow many, if not most of these cities of light had been established just before the disease attack and that they were very organized. It was like they had known what was coming and had prepared for it. I didn’t see who or what had organized them, but I saw many people struggling to get to them with nothing but what they could carry.
These cities of light had food and were sharing their food with those who joined them in their groups. There was peace and safety in the groups. They were living in tents, all kinds of tents, many of which were just blankets, covering poles. I noticed that the gangs left these groups alone, choosing to pick on easier targets and unprotected people. They also preyed on the people who were trying to get to the cities of light. Many people in these cities of light had guns to defend themselves with and so the gangs left them alone but it seemed that the gangs just didn’t want to come against them.”
There are many more prophecies like from Mitar Tarabich, Nostradamus etc.

We can´t prepare by ignoring the clouds and warnings.

Our best preparation is to be close to and led by God, and to be under His protection.
The safest place is in the will of God.
“See, I am with you always, even until the end of the world.” Jesus said.

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