Sunday 25 April 2010 after life....

Thousands dream about Jesus in Iran

Joel News, 4/22/10

In Tehran, the capital of Iran, thousands of Muslims have become Jesus followers over the last months. They gather illegally in house churches. This is reported by Iranian pastor Mahim Mousapour, living in exile in Germany. Iranian friends have told her that Jesus appeared to people in dreams, and in a number of cases sick people were surprisingly healed.

Khosrow, an Iranian teenager, described his experience vividly as "waves of electricity flowed through my body over and over again. I wept for the first time since I was a child and joy filled my heart."

The new believers in Iran take courage and speak about their faith more publicly. Mousapour estimates that in Tehran alone there are now more than 100,000 Christians.

Clinically dead boy saw grandmother

By Allan Hall, Daily Mail, 19th April 2010

A boy of three claims he saw his great grandmother in heaven while he was clinically dead after falling into a pond.

Paul Eicke came back to life more than three hours after his heart stopped beating.

It is believed he was in the pond at his grandparents' house for several minutes before his grandfather saw him and pulled him out.

His father gave him heart massage and mouth-to-mouth during the ten minutes it took a helicopter to arrive.

Paramedics then took over and Paul was taken the ten-minute journey to hospital. Doctors tried to resuscitate him for hours. They had just given up when, three hours and 18 minutes after he was brought in, Paul's heart started beating independently.

Professor Lothar Schweigerer, director of the Helios Clinic where Paul was taken, said: 'I have never experienced anything like it.

'When children have been underwater for a few minutes they mostly don't make it. This is a most extraordinary case.'

The boy said that while unconscious he saw his great grandmother Emmi, who had turned him back from a gate and urged him to go back to his parents.

Paul said: 'There was a lot of light and I was floating. I came to a gate and I saw Grandma Emmi on the other side.

'She said to me, "What are you doing here Paul? You must go back to mummy and daddy. I will wait for you here."

'I knew I was in heaven. But grandma said I had to come home. She said that I should go back very quickly.

'Heaven looked nice. But I am glad I am back with mummy and daddy now.'

Paul is now back at home in Lychen, north of Berlin in Germany, and there appears to be no sign of brain damage.

Statistics from America show the majority of children who survive drownings--92 per cent--are discovered within two minutes following submersion.

Nearly all who require cardiopulmonary resuscitation die or are left with severe brain injury.

Professor Schweigerer said: 'My doctors were close to saying "we can do no more" after two hours of thorax compression.

'But then suddenly his heart started to beat again ... it was a fantastic miracle.

'I've been doing this job for 30 years and have never seen anything like this. It goes to show the human body is a very resilient organism and you should never give up.'

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