Saturday 30 January 2010

How was your day? And your evening? I hope as good as possible.
We can´t control the circumstances, but we can control our attitude. I like this saying: (not just because I live near the sea) Life is like a voyage on a sail boat. We get the boat, and then it is up to us, how we take care of it. We cannot control the weather and the "outside" but we can set the sails in a way so that we can get to our destination.
Today I met with L. who is going through a very difficult time in her life. Like so many of us she tried to make a as much as possible "perfect" situation for her children and had a wonderful family life, but when it all fell apart, she just couldn´t see why. I then remembered and told her how when I went through a separation, I also couldn´t see, why something so nice should be destroyed. But then I started meeting several other people in similar situations, who I could understand and help much more and better after having gone through this and having found ways to overcome the obstacles. Some of them even told me: "You understand, I can feel it, you have gone through the same difficulties, and you are still smiling, so it gives me hope, that I can do it, too. "
"God comforts us in our troubles, so that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God." (2. Corinthians 1:4) God doesn´t only comfort us to make us comfortable, but to make us comforters. There is a meaning and sense in everything, and when we start looking for it and finding it, then every moment can be an adventure... Good night....

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