Friday 28 February 2014

Quotes on Prayer

Quotes on Prayer:
" God does nothing but in answer to prayer" John Wesley
"Next to the wonder of seeing my Savior some day in Heaven, will be, I think, the wonder that I made so little use of the Power of Prayer." D.L. Moody
"When you pray, you make the connection to use the authority God has given you to change the World.
Apart from our prayers, God cannot and will not interfere with the affairs here on earth. Prayer is man releasing the Kingdom of God's authority of Heaven on earth.
Prayer is God keeping His word to man and through man.
Prayer is Man giving earthly licence for Heavenly interference.
Prayer is mankind giving God legal permission to interfere in earth affairs. It's not Begging.
Prayer is a transaction of Kingdom activity where the ambassador gives the government the right to impact the colony.
God can to nothing on earth because of the Law He gave in Genesis 1:26 when He gave us authority.
If u study the Scriptures, Every single act of God had to require a human cooperating with God so that the human could give God licence to interfere in earth affairs. That's why you need to pray every day; That's why the Bible says: Pray without ceasing." Dr. Myles Munroe

An Olympic champion's amazing conversion

Category: Cultural Commentary
Written by Jim Denison
Kelly Clark, the 30 year old American snowboarder and 2014 Olympic bronze medalist, poses for a photo with the Team USA puppy, days before her event in the Olympic village (Credit: Kelly Clark via Instagram) Kelly Clark won bronze at this year's Winter Olympics, the only snowboarder ever to win three medals.  (She won gold in 2002 and bronze in 2010).  When she won her gold medal, she was the youngest member of the U.S. Olympic team.  Three years later, she won first place at the World Cup.  But her life was as dark as her athletic prospects were bright.

"I achieved the highest in my sport.  I was famous," she says.  "I had money.  I had an Olympic gold medal.  Everything that anyone could have wanted, and I found out that wasn't what I was looking for."  She turned to drinking and partying, but nothing filled the void in her soul.

What happened?  "I had spiraled into this depression and into this place that was just real dark.  I was at this contest, and I was staying by myself.  I spent the morning writing about how I didn't want to live anymore and how it wouldn't even matter."  She was standing at the bottom of the pipe (the semi-circular snow-covered area where athletes in her sport compete) when four words changed her life: "This girl comes down, and she's crying 'cause she fell on both of her runs and she didn't qualify.  This other girl goes up to her, [and] I'm standing there.  They didn't know anybody was listening.  She was like, 'Hey, it's all right.  God still loves you.'  I was blown away.  If there's a God who loves me, like, I need to know Him.

"She was staying at my hotel, and I found out what room number she was in.  So that night I knocked on her door.  She told me about having a relationship with Jesus, and she started telling me that was what it was about.  My Creator wanted a real relationship with me, and He loved me very much."

After thinking about what she heard, Kelly made a decision: "I gave my life to the Lord that day.  It was pretty cool.  The Lord really apprehended me at that point."  How has her faith changed her life?  "Now having a relationship with the Lord, I find that there's a lot more freedom in snowboarding for me.  I'm just so in love with Him.  Every time I think about Him I have to tell Him I love Him 'cause I'm head over heels.  He makes me smile."

The next time you're discouraged about your apparent inability to change the moral direction of our culture, remember Kelly Clark's story.  "God still loves you," overheard at a snowboarding competition, led her to become one of the most visible and vibrant Christian witnesses in athletics today.  God promises that his word "shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it" (Isaiah 55:11).

So speak his truth in love (Ephesians 4:15) and expect the Holy Spirit to use your words and life to change someone's eternal trajectory.  Is there a greater privilege in life?

Sunday 19 January 2014

Blue sky versus clouds....

Walking down the street of the village with Romy, my almost daughter, singing about the blue sky in French, turning into another little street, and trying to explain why it is difficult to sing in French, since I can’t really express what I want to say for lack of words. Tried again and started out “the sky is blue…” but by that time the clouds covered the sky. “The sky is blue, but we don’t see it” and the Holy Spirit told me: “that is like the healing it is always there, but you don’t see it. Just remove the clouds, pray them away and you will see the healing. Know that it is there!!! “

Saturday 10 August 2013

Carrot juice cures cancer....

Ralph Cole cured his cancer with carrot juice in 2006

My name is Ralph Cole.
In 2005 I had metastasized cancer tumors, primarily in my neck, and was told I needed surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Before my surgery I was advised to juice carrots by the wife of a friend, a woman that had cured herself of ovarian cancer. Not knowing how much juice to drink, I started juicing three pounds of carrots a day, which yields about 3 cups, or a cup of juice per pound.
Four months later when I was due for surgery, I was told by a radiologist that an MRI showed that my tumors had not grown since my first MRI four months before. He also said that my tumors “may have even gotten smaller.” Despite this, he still insisted that without treatment my likelihood of surviving was about three times better with cancer treatment than without it (30% versus 10%). Because I was about to lose my eligibility for Medi-Cal, I asked him if I could skip the surgery and just get chemotherapy and radiation. He went to the hospital medical board on my behalf and won out over the surgeon that believed I absolutely needed to have surgery. I was allowed to have chemo and radiation without surgery. I continued to juice three pounds of carrots per day.
After chemo and radiation, the lumps on my neck were still there. My tumors gradually shrank and disappeared about four months after the two months of chemo and radiation. I stopped juicing shortly thereafter, not sure at the time whether it was the chemo and radiation treatment or the carrot juice that was responsible for my apparent cure.
Shortly after I stopped juicing, tiny lumps began appearing one at a time in two rows on my chest. When I started juicing again, no more new lumps appeared, and the ten little lumps I had on my chest stopped growing. I continued juicing while I looked for a way to get rid of them, not realizing at that time that carrot juice alone could do it if I drank enough of it.
Part of my reason for underestimating carrot juice was that I was out of touch with the woman that originally advised me to ask her how much I needed to be drinking, but also, I wanted to see if anything else could control the growth of my chest lumps besides carrot juice.
After failing to find anything else that seemed to have any effect, I asked a nurse that attends my church if she had any advice. Her advice was to go back to the hospital ASAP before my lumps metastasized further. Having been through the extreme discomforts of daily radiation treatments with chemo drips and shots, as well as having damaged my ability to swallow and salivate, I decided it was time to get serious about getting rid of the lumps, and I immediately increased my juicing from the three pounds of carrots I had been juicing each day, to juicing five pounds of carrots (yielding five cups of juice), every morning.
My visible chest lumps began to shrink almost immediately. I kept up the five pounds of juice (yielding five cups) daily, and the tumors shrank continuously over the next two months, finally disappearing. I juiced for another month or so, then stopped. The biggest lump, which had appeared first, was also the last to disappear, implying that larger tumors probably take longer to to get rid of than smaller ones.
I like the Juiceman II Juicer because it takes large carrots without slicing.
I have been cancer-free ever since, and have only juiced on occasion since then. That was in 2006, seven years ago. I put my story in an email a few months later, which someone posted to a website on the internet where a trickle of people have been able to find it over the years.
Almost every time I mention juicing carrots to people, they tell me about some cure they have heard about. When I had cancer I tried many different dietary cures, as well as 18 different types of pills, and external heat applications. This might be why it took so long to discover that although 3 cups per day of carrot juice was simply not enough to shrink a tumor, 5 cups per day was.
If you get anything from this blog, I hope that it is that I could not find anything else besides carrot juice that shrank tumors, and even then, 3 cups per day was not enough. If you go to a Gerson Clinic, they will encourage you to drink carrot juice 13 times a day. Don’t make the mistake I made and compromise on the quantity. Five cups per day, every day, really, really, really works. More per day may work even faster. I can’t say, because I didn’t try. I didn’t need to.
[Chris Wark: I drank 8 cups per day]
Three cups per day will likely stop the growth of a tumor, but it probably won’t shrink a tumor noticeably, based on my experience. And it is enough to turn your skin slightly orange. If you don’t like carrot juice, 3 cups per day will probably stop your tumor’s growth while you experiment with other things to see if they work. But despite all the other things that came recommended,  I couldn’t find anything else that worked.
Five cups a day is not so terrible, and you may even like it. I found that drinking it through a straw helped it go down quicker and easier. Less might reduce tumors for you, but it took five cups a day to shrink my lumps, and I’m about average size. At the time was about 160 pounds.
It remains to be determined whether every cancer, or every individual’s metabolism, responds to carrot juice. But until actually researched, it remains a possibility. I have yet to meet a person that juiced carrots for cancer and was unhappy with the result. I know of three people, myself and two others, that juiced 5 pounds per day. Each of us had our tumors shrink. That’s not a lot to draw on. But if the hospital gave me a 30% chance of surviving 5 years or more even with their treatment, then that means they must be failing to cure 2 out of 3 of their patients with the symptoms I had. And both of the women I am talking about had much more advanced cancers than I had.
With so much evidence that millions of lives are being unnecessarily lost through ineffective mainstream cancer treatments, we must share this information. In the terminology used so often to justify potentially lucrative therapies shown to be effective, to delay would be unconscionable.
Much as the earlier practice of bloodletting was eventually ended, the world is gradually becoming aware that other medical practices have gradually filled in the void created by the citizenry’s gullibility regarding anything mainstream medicine offers it. It is time to clean house again. We can start by making people aware of the issue before they fall prey to the medical establishment.
The wealthy and famous are particularly susceptible to this situation. The “best treatment” is automatically assumed to be the most expensive one, and that makes medical shopping easy for those that can afford to pay a lot. But when people pick their treatment on the basis of cost, the treatment that costs the most will never be driven out, regardless of how ineffective it is. The need for change from the grass roots up is nowhere truer than when it comes to mainstream medical practices.
I hope you will investigate for yourself the curative power of carrot juice wherever and whenever the opportunity presents itself. And I should also mention that drinking carrot juice has many other health benefits, intestinal cleansing (it cured both my acne and pre-cancerous scales I used to get), and other sites on the net report that a carrot a day reduces the risk of cancer. One article claims that eating one carrot every day reduces the risk of cancer by 60%.
If you ever have an opportunity to observe the growth of a cancer in your own body either visually or through body scans, try carrot juice first; once you determine that it can control your cancer, you can experiment with other things to see if they work too, knowing that you can go back to carrot juice. This is the kind of research that is needed, and your experience will be of value to others.
If you are a skeptic, I share your skepticism. I was very skeptical of everything before carrot juice proved itself to me. But people that are skeptical about non-mainstream cures tend instead to place their confidence in professionals with huge educational debts that get paid for the medical services they provide, whether they are effective or not; certainly not upon whether their patient recovers.
If you doubt anything I have said, find someone with cancer and juice for them, and find out for yourself what happens. You can also get in touch with me. But regardless of whether you can reach me, or even what happens to me, you can trust in my experience with carrot juice as if it was your own. At the risk of sounding overly dramatic, I will consciously avoid the greater risk of being overly cautious, by stating what I believe in my soul to be true: millions of lives are at stake. I hope you will join me in making this cause your own.
I can be reached through my blog
Related Posts:
Ann Cameron cured her stage 4 cancer with carrot juice
I juiced carrots to beat cancer and turned orange

Saturday 6 July 2013

Effective way to get rid of flies...

Zip Lock Baggies...........who knew?

We went with friends to a restaurant on Sunday for lunch and sat in the patio section beside the store. We happened to notice zip lock baggies pinned to a post and a wall. The bags were half filled with ...water, each contained 4 pennies, and they were zipped shut. Naturally we were curious! The owner told us that these baggies kept the flies away! So natural
ly we were even more curious! We actually watched some flies come in the open window, stand around on the window sill, and then fly out again. And there were no flies in the eating area! This morning I checked this out on Google.
Below are comments on this fly control idea. I'm now a believer!

Zip-lock water bags: #1 Says: I tried the zip lock bag and pennies this weekend. I have a horse trailer. The flies were bad while I was camping. I put the baggies with pennies above the door of the LQ. NOT ONE FLY came in the trailer.The horse trailer part had many. Not sure why it works but it does!

#2 Says:Fill a zip lock bag with water and 5 or 6 pennies and hang it in the problem area. In my case it was a particular window in my home. It had a slight passage way for insects. Every since I have done that, it has kept flies and wasps away. Some say that wasps and flies mistake the bag for some other insect nest and are threatened.

#3 Says:I swear by the plastic bag of water trick. I have them on porch and basement. We saw these in Northeast Mo. at an Amish grocery store& have used them since. They say it works because a fly sees a reflection& won't come around.

#4 Says:Regarding the science behind zip log bags of water? My research found that the millions of molecules of water presents its own prism effect and given that flies have a lot of eyes, to them it's like a zillion disco balls reflecting light, colors and movement in a dizzying manner. When you figure that flies are prey for many other bugs, animals, birds, etc., they simply won't take the risk of being around that much perceived action. I moved to a rural area and thought these "hillbillies" were just yanking my city boy chain but I tried it and it worked immediately! We went from hundreds of flies to seeing the occasional one, but he didn't hang around long.

Did you know?....

If you are right handed, you will tend to chew your food on the right side of your mouth. If you are left handed, you will tend to chew your food on the left side of your mouth.

To make half a kilo of honey, bees must collect nectar from over 2 million individual flowers

Heroin is the brand name of morphine once marketed by 'Bayer'.

Tourists visiting Iceland should know that tipping at a restaurant is considered an insult!

People in nudist colonies play volleyball more than any other sport .

Albert Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel in 1952, but he declined.

Astronauts can't belch - there is no gravity to separate liquid from gas in their stomachs.

The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. In the Renaissance era, it was fashion to shave them off!

Because of the speed at which Earth moves around the Sun, it is impossible for a solar eclipse to last more than 7 minutes and 58 seconds.

The night of January 20 is "Saint Agnes's Eve", which is regarded as a time when a young woman dreams of her future husband.

Google is actually the common name for a number with a million zeros .

It takes glass one million years to decompose, which means it never wears out and can be recycled an infinite amount of times!

Gold is the only metal that doesn't rust, even if it's buried in the ground for thousands of years .

Your tongue is the only muscle in your body that is attached at only one end .

If you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water. When a human body is dehydrated, its thirst mechanism shuts off.

Each year 2,000,000 smokers either quit smoking or die of tobacco-related diseases.

Zero is the only number that cannot be represented by Roman numerals

Kites were used in the American Civil War to deliver letters and newspapers.

The song, Auld Lang Syne, is sung at the stroke of midnight in almost every English-speaking country in the world to bring in the New Year.

Drinking water after eating reduces the acid in your mouth by 61 percent

Peanut oil is used for cooking in submarines because it doesn't smoke unless it's heated above 450?F

The roar that we hear when we place a seashell next to our ear is not the ocean, but rather the sound of blood surging through the veins in the ear.

Nine out of every 10 living things live in the ocean

The banana cannot reproduce itself. It can be propagated only by the hand of man

Airports at higher altitudes require a longer airstrip due to lower air density.

The University of Alaska spans four time zones.

The tooth is the only part of the human body that cannot heal itself.

In ancient Greece, tossing an apple to a girl was a traditional proposal of marriage. Catching it meant she accepted.

Warner Communications paid $28 million for the copyright to the song Happy Birthday.

Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.

A comet's tail always points away from the sun.

The Swine Flu vaccine in 1976 caused more death and illness than the disease it was intended to prevent

Caffeine increases the power of aspirin and other painkillers, that is why it is found in some medicines.

The military salute is a motion that evolved from medieval times, when knights in armor raised their visors to reveal their identity.

If you get into the bottom of a well or a tall chimney and look up, you can see stars, even in the middle of the day.

When a person dies, hearing is the last sense to go. The first sense lost is sight.

In ancient times strangers shook hands to show that they were unarmed.

Strawberries are the only fruits whose seeds grow on the outside.

Avocados have the highest calories of any fruit at 167 calories per hundred grams.

The moon moves about two inches away from the Earth each year.

The Earth gets 100 tons heavier every day due to falling space dust

Due to earth's gravity it is impossible for mountains to be higher than 15,000 meters.

Mickey Mouse is known as "Topolino" in Italy .

Soldiers do not march in step when going across bridges because they could set up a vibration which could be sufficient to knock the bridge down.

Everything weighs one percent less at the equator.

For every extra kilogram carried on a space flight, 530 kg of excess fuel are needed at lift-off.

The letter J does not appear anywhere on the periodic table of the elements.

And last but not least:

In 2012, December had 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays and 5 Mondays. This apparently happens once every 823 years!

Wednesday 29 May 2013

WHat about the cancer cures? Don't wait until you need it....

Knowing means living...