Wednesday 29 May 2013

WHat about the cancer cures? Don't wait until you need it....

Knowing means living...

Friday 17 May 2013

Great idea and solution...

from    R.I.P. (Really Interesting Page)
Great idea! Where there is a will there is a way, where there is a problem there is a solution...where there is a need there is somethng to fill it... there is always enough for all....
Two reasons for our problems: we act without thinking, and we think without acting.

Saturday 4 May 2013

The future is here....

Corrupting the Image Angels, Aliens, and the Antichrist Revealed By Douglas Hamp (1 minute 10 second clip) An ancient prophecy from the book of Genesis states Satan will one day mix his DNA with humanity as a counterfeit of the Messiah. Jesus told us that the last days will be like the days of Noah when fallen angels mixed their seed with humanity. In the Book of Daniel we read that demonic kings will again mingle with the seed of men. Corrupting the Image: Angels, Aliens and the Antichrist Revealed, a book by Douglas Hamp, brings together, perhaps for the first time ever, a comprehensive explanation of how the Antichrist will be a genetic hybrid counterfeiting the virgin birth and how he will come guised as the leader of an extraterrestrial race offering humanity the opportunity to upgrade their DNA in what the Bible calls the mark of the beast. This book is at the cutting edge of research and is written so that the average person can grasp the sinister plan that is unfolding before our very eyes and much more. Corrupting the Image is acclaimed to be "riveting," "a thrilling read," and "One of the most important books of our time". Read Corrupting the Image to see that day of fulfillment is now! Corrupting the Image: Nephilim, Fallen Angels, Aliens, and The Mark of the Beast (A Live presentation - Two hours and 16 minutes in length) Corrupting the Image: Angels, Aliens and the Antichrist Revealed, a book by Douglas Hamp, brings together, perhaps for the first time ever, a comprehensive explanation of how the Antichrist will be a genetic hybrid counterfeiting the virgin birth and how he will come guised as the leader of an extraterrestrial race offering humanity the opportunity to upgrade their DNA in what the Bible calls the mark of the beast. This book is at the cutting edge of research and is written so that the average person can grasp the sinister plan that is unfolding before our very eyes and much more. Corrupting the Image is acclaimed to be "riveting," "a thrilling read," and "One of the most important books of our time". Read Corrupting the Image to see that day of fulfillment is now! Something ominous is coming upon the world: it is Satan's final effort in the battle to destroy the image that man was created in, which has been raging since the beginning of time. If Satan can destroy the image, then he can avert his own destruction. God created man in His own image and likeness; when man sinned that image was marred, but not lost. However, as a result man cannot be with God in person since man's genetic code and spiritual composition has been compromised (or corrupted). God sent His Son to give his life to correct the genetic and moral problem through the cross; the correction will be ultimately fulfilled when we receive our new bodies. However, there has also been a move on the enemy's part to completely destroy what is left of the image. The principle verse of this book is found in the declaration of Genesis 3:15: her seed brought forth the Savior; Satan's genetic seed will bring forth the Antichrist. In other words, the serpent will one day mix his seed as a counterfeit to Christ in the flesh. Our aim therefore is to fully investigate the prophecy from the pages of the Bible, from a genetics perspective, from a historical perspective and finally its end times' impact. When the Image Was Corrupted. The story begins in the Garden of Eden and ends with the Lord's second coming. Immediately after the sin of Adam and Eve, God declared that there would be hatred between the serpent and the woman. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed [zarakha זַרְעֲךָ] and her seed [zarah זַרְעָהּ]; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel, (Genesis 3:15). This statement is often called the proto-Gospel in that it is the first declaration by God that He will make a way for man to be saved and for the devil to be destroyed. It not only speaks of good news for humans and bad news for Satan, but also tells us something about how that redemption will be played out and how Satan has and will try to subvert God's plans. God specifically declared that there would be hatred between Satan's seed and the seed of the woman and that "He", the offspring of her seed (Jesus) would strike the serpent [on] the head and that Satan would strike His heel. "Her seed" became a reality through the Lord Jesus and therefore, consistent Bible interpretation means that "your seed" (that is Satan's seed) will be fulfilled in like manner. Ever since the fall in the Garden and in a manner similar to the virgin birth of Jesus, Satan has been trying to find a way for "his seed" to become a reality. He almost succeeded in the days of Noah when the sons of God (fallen angels) came down and took women as wives and engendered a race called the Nephilim, which were genetic hybrids (Genesis 6). The Nephilim were on the earth again and had overrun the land of Canaan while the children of Israel were in Egypt. Daniel spoke of a time when 10 kings would mingle (hybridize) themselves with the seed of men (Daniel 2:43). Lastly Jesus said that the last days would be like the conditions before the flood (Matthew 24:37). According to the Genesis prophecy, Satan will one day mix his seed with humanity to bring forth the Antichrist as a counterfeit of the incarnation of Jesus. eof

Friday 3 May 2013

What is really up with the global warming?

"Temperature indicators show that there has been no warming of the Earth in at least 10 and perhaps 16 years. NO GLOBAL WARMING IN OVER A DECADE. But relevant emissions have not decreased."

Easy way to make sticky rice....

o make a perfect batch of steamed sticky rice: Soak the rice for 2-3 hours (longer if the amount is larger and if your rice is an old crop which has lower moisture content) and drain it. Place the splatter guard screen on top of the opening of a pot (or a sauté pan with straight sides as shown above) which is smaller than the circumference of the splatter screen. Fill the pot with water and start boiling it. The space between the water and the screen should be about 3 inches for best results. Once the water is boiling, adjust the heat so you maintain a gentle, instead of rapid, boil. Place the drained rice on the screen, right in the middle. It’s best to keep the rice mound no higher than 2-3 inches to ensure even and quick cooking. Cover the rice mound with a pot cover that domes up a bit higher than the height of the rice mound. The cover does not have to match the size of the pot opening; as long as it doesn’t touch the rice and can sit on the screen, it’s fine. The amount of steaming time depends on the amount of rice. It would be good to flip the rice once half way through the steaming to ensure even cooking and prevent the bottom of the rice mound from getting too soggy. Once the rice is cooked, remove the splatter guard from the water and scrape the rice off the screen. The cooked rice should slide right off. This method works well with other easy steaming jobs. I’ve made beautiful Thai curried fish custard in banana leaf cups and many other things this way. You can also use a splatter screen to sift flour or play indoor badminton with, swat a fly in the kitchen, and, of course, as a splatter guard.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Kidney cleaner....

CLEAN YOUR KIDNEYS Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments and how are we going to overcome this? It is very easy, first take a bunch of parsley or Cilantro ( Coriander Leaves ) and wash it clean Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool. Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before. Parsley (Cilantro) is known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural! PLEASE SHARE :) To SAVE this recipe, be sure to click SHARE so it will store on your personal page.